#28 – Successful Strategies for Shaping Your Future: Thinking Like a Retailer in Fitness
In partnership with IHRSA, REX Roundtables and Club Solutions Magazine, we bring to you a weekly virtual roundtable series aimed at helping you navigate through the COVID-19 crisis.
This week’s topic is “Thinking Like a Retailer in Fitness,” sponsored by Jonas Fitness.
*How retail trends have impacted the fitness club environment
*Insights on the latest trends in apparel and gear, changes to virtual memberships/events, and smoothie/shake bars within clubs
*The potential impacts to these areas, trends and changes for 2021
This week’s panelists:
*Brent Darden, Interim President and CEO of IHRSA, and chair of REX Roundtables
*Jon Brady, president of Midtown Athletic Clubs
*Bill McBride, the co-founder, president and CEO of Active Wellness
*Blair McHaney, the CEO of MXM and owner of WORX health clubs
*Meredith Rosson, the assistant general manager of Cooper Fitness Center